Tree planting at Orchard House

How to move a tree

how to move a tree


By far the best time to plant a tree is in the winter months while they are dormant. However despite it being the right time to move, sometimes it’s far from easy. Hence this enormous Acer (right) had to be both moved and saved when it was in the way of a new terrace being created.

A substantial tree pit was prepared in her new location and gingerly she was excavated and her roots undercut. Fortuitously she had been planted some 40 years previously on a bed of solid Clay so her roots had recoiled back when they had hit this cold and impenetrable sub soil. Root wrapped in Hessian, she was transplanted, puddled and underground guyed.

This clever invisible means of how to move a treesupport will mean that she will not rock herself loose from the surrounding soil, pending new roots anchoring her into her new home. Meanwhile Mycrohhizal fungal solution was applied to encourage natures symbiotic relationship that naturally exists below soil level. how to move a tree



Ten months on, the spectacular Autumnal foliage made the effort worthwhile. Success could never be guaranteed but 21 years of experience showed through.



how to move a treeAwareness of the benefits of Mycorrhizal Fungal solutions is a cutting edge issue, which has led us to reducing planting failures to a minimum. Imagine my shock when I studied some research at Harvard University’s Natural History Museum in November that suggested that Mycorrhizal fungi (MF)  were under attack. Research led by senior investigator and ecologist Kristina Stinson had found that an invasion of North America by  the wild flower Hedge Garlic was having a profoundly negative impact on MF.

Hedge Garlic is now deemed to be a noxious or restricted plant in much of America and is believed to be having a significant and adverse effect on the trees of New England which are dependent upon the fungi. With Hedge Garlic being so prolific in my own garden, what would the consequences be for my love affair with MF? Amazingly  research by Kristina suggests that phytochemicals produced by hedge garlic in North America suppress MF ‘over there’ but not ‘over here.’

how to move a treeBiogeographical research is a relatively new concept but as we hear the buzz word ‘Globalisation’ maybe this research from Harvard provides us with food for thought when we think about introducing species from elsewhere and maybe another reason to stay natural, for what can look better than the meadow created by us (right), edged with Birch, thriving after being planted with Mycorrhizal fungi?

If you are interested in purchasing large bare rooted trees – why not visit our sister site The Tree and Garden Gift Company.


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