Pip’s Pond

Pip's Pond

All features in a garden need to be the right scale and the same applies to water features. So, although a modest pond already existed at Pip’s, the feature was out of scale with the 5 acre garden. The pond installed by the house builders was therefore replaced with a dramatic 250m2 wildlife pond designed by joannealderson.com and created by us using a liner that weighed 1t and a boardwalk to entice you across to a cantilevered deck. 

Deep marginal shelves were generously planted and 84t of Caledonian Glacial boulders incorporated both in and surrounding the feature. Grass paths lead you on an
irresistible journey around the feature, to open a variety of vistas, nestled seamlessly adjacent to the edge of an established mixed native woodland.

Lit discreetly at night, gentle bubblers not only oxygenate the water but provide a sense of movement and a relaxing sound. Wildlife rapidly colonised the water feature including ducks, frogs and water boatmen, whilst swallows swoop down gathering water to make their mud nests in a nearby stable and deer, foxes and badgers love their exquisite water hole.

I found the project to be executed to the highest standard. The planting around the pool edge, the positioning of the rocks was superb as was the curved path across the pool. The extension of this pond has been achieved with imagination, skill and expertise. The project was no small undertaking and, in the words of the client, was a feat of engineering delivered with great attention to detail. Very competent project management, combined with strong horticultural knowledge and excellent landscaping skills, has enabled the creation of a true legacy landscape.”

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An incredibly visual guide to garden design showing illustrative masterplans, sketches, 3D visualisations, lighting plans and more…

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GDC in the media

We’ve been lucky enough to have several of our projects featured in the media. To read some of these articles visit our media page.

Country Homes & Interiors featured this award winning project in a six page spread detailing the extensive renovations to the 1880s coach house… read the article.

Country Homes & Interiors featured this fabulous project in an eight page spread. What used to be an overgrown tennis court was transformed into a secret garden… read the article.

Homes and Gardens featured our longest running project in this six page spread. Set high up in the Chilterns. The six acre site is set in one of the highest spots in the chilterns… read the article.

Our oldest project, this garden is just stunning and so well maintained by the clients who have looked after it so well. Small wonder then it was featured in Homes and Gardens… read the article.

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