Garden Design Company

GDC Charitable Work

Garden Re-Leaf Day 2021 As you may know I sit of the Board of Greenfingers ( who raise funds to design and create gardens at Childrens Hospices, so I was thrilled when the whole team embraced the idea of supporting this wonderful charity. Sporting a t-shirt with that famous hand print, we set about delivering […]

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Spring bulbs - crocus

The Wonder of Spring Bulbs

No one can resist the allure of spring bulbs for they really signal that winter is over and the days are getting longer. However planting bulbs on mass can be tedious to say the least, especially when faced with nearly 40,000 of them, which is what we planted in 2016/17. Good job then that the

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bali accredited

We are thrilled to announce that The Garden Design Co Ltd is now one of a select group of companies accredited by the British Association of Landscape Industries.