Norfolk Front Garden

Norfolk Front Garden

2015 saw us implement a striking design for the rear garden of a stunning holiday home near the North Norfolk coast. However, having transformed the rear garden, the front garden complete with 160m2 of rutted block paving, left something to be desired.
So working alongside designer Jo Alderson Phillips, ( with whom we have worked closely for many years, we embarked on a scheme that evolved into one of our most ambitious projects in 20 years.

The scheme envisaged 200t of materials coming in and out of the garden. This included ‘crazy paving’ but not as you know it from the 70’s. Instead, sections of Caithness stone weighing up to 350 kilos with dimensions of 1.2m across, were laid on a permeable sub-base and surrounded by permeable resin bound gravel. The striking scheme is a unique creation, with zero water run-off and the ultimate in cutting edge sustainable urban drainage solutions.

Meanwhile basalt sets were laid in sweeping generous arcs to lead you to the stunning entrance and to create a low maintenance mowing strip for the lawn, under which 1000 Crocuses were planted. Locally sourced Norfolk cobbles allow the existing trees to both breathe and be showcased, take centre stage. To cap it all, the project finished a day early and under budget.

Read our latest newsletter 2024/ 2025

From our latest garden transformations, to Greenfingers projects, exciting new designers and GDC in the media…

Read our comprehensive design guide

An incredibly visual guide to garden design showing illustrative masterplans, sketches, 3D visualisations, lighting plans and more…

Have you seen our eco bug hotels?

This fab bug hotel was commissioned especially for Blue Peter and we had a fun day assembling it in the famous Blue Peter garden…

GDC in the media

We’ve been lucky enough to have several of our projects featured in the media. To read some of these articles visit our media page.

Country Homes & Interiors featured this award winning project in a six page spread detailing the extensive renovations to the 1880s coach house… read the article.

Country Homes & Interiors featured this fabulous project in an eight page spread. What used to be an overgrown tennis court was transformed into a secret garden… read the article.

Homes and Gardens featured our longest running project in this six page spread. Set high up in the Chilterns. The six acre site is set in one of the highest spots in the chilterns… read the article.

Our oldest project, this garden is just stunning and so well maintained by the clients who have looked after it so well. Small wonder then it was featured in Homes and Gardens… read the article.

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