b"H O W T O G E T G R E E N F I N G E R SGARDENCLUB 2023Growing your own can seem a daunting prospect to those who have never done it before. People tend to worry about whether they have enough space, how much time they need to dedicate and what to actually grow. However, with the right advice and guidance, it's super easy and literally anyone can do it. You dont need acres of land; if you are short on space then containers and window boxes will suffice. You also dont need to dedicate hours of time - just choose low maintenance crops such as salad mixes, herbs and tomatoes. With our 26 years of expertise in horticulture and garden design, we are now offering Garden Club which is aimed at providing hands on learning , guidance and top tips to get growing your own.S O H O W W I L L I T W O R K ?The Garden Club will be run from Robs own fabulous kitchen garden in Goring on Thames. There will be three sessions, with each session being four weeks apart.In the sessions we will teach you how and when to grow and sow a variety of different fruit and veg seeds and cut flowers which you will take away with you. We will then teach you about all the necessary next steps, right the way from seed sowing to harvesting your fruit and veg.Each Garden Club member will receive a range ofD A T E S A N D F U R T H E R I N F Ogardening goodies to takeaway with them, including pots, seeds and compost.F O R M O R E I N F O P L E A S E C O N T A C T12"