b'B r i e f i n g , s u r v e y & a n a l y s i sP l a n t a u d i t a n d t r e e w o r k52.64TOW 52.19Brick 52.39 52.25Wall52.69 52.64 59.0552.61 TOW 52.41 Gutter52.60 Threshold 52.2353.70 TOW 54.62Outbuilding TOW 100 Tile GravelA full brief will be taken and the garden 54.94 WM BLreicaknWingall GU RWP 100mmFoul 62.10 Bushes&MHCL52.33IL51.78 Chimney52.45 Connection CL52.29 PlantingTOW UnknownSoundanalysed to establish the existing situation Roof 3 53.57 53.91 52.45 52.10 GUCL52.10 FiilrdsitnFgloLoinre 61.31 52.10 12 52.16RouteTOW TOW56.23 Bu52.368 Fascia52.37 Up 52.17 6 52.18252.137 52.11 GUCL52.08 Ridgeand identify constraints and opportunities. 53.43 BLreicaknWingall 53.87 52.64 Gate 100 Crazy 52.11 OAT RWP 52.16 58.87 52.18 52.1252.16TOW 100 PavingTOW 150mmFoul 52.11MHCL52.14 EaveTOW 52.18 IL51.64 52.24Lapboard SFence1.6m52.14 Cherry 52.10 52.11 Pipe Threshold OK4m OARATARKE54.20 CherryFascia 52.20 5m 52.21DPC52.07 62.69 Cherry52.08 Chimney 5mConnectionUnknownBushes&51.91 Planting 52.16Sound 52.04 FiilrdsitnFgloLoinre 61.36 52.05Route BuBushes& Ridge FirstFloorGDC will carry out a survey or, for more Planting 51.99 52.03 51.95 51.82 BuildingLine 55.09 54.10 51.89 51.90 51.98 52.07 OHC 52.05Ridge51.9451.94 52.01complicated sites, will arrange for a Crazy 51.94 51.92 51.87 51.93 Conservatory 51.99 GUCL51.95 58.97 Bushes& 51.79 51.83 Threshold Gutter 51.86 51.92 51.93 51.98 52.05 52.01 51.94 52.03Paving51.91RWP55.0351.86 Bushes& Ridge PlantingPlanting 51.74 51.85 4mThresholdprofessional topographic survey to be 51.86 5 51.76 54.22 51.80 51.88 Step 51.84 Eave 51.75 51.76 51.82 51.83 51.72CrazyPaving 51.75 Bushes&51.81851.79 Gutter 51.75 Planting51.71 51.68carried out. 51.78 51.72 51.71 51.77 51.80 Brick 51.74 51.64 51.79 51.79 51.86 51.8951.73 51.75Paving51.73 51.68 51.64 Bushes&WireFence Grass Planting1.8m 51.6351.7951.6651.6351.70 51.67 51.63 51.6051.68CherryA summary of this work will be issued and 7m 51.63 51.55 Bushes Bushes& 51.62 51.63 Planting 51.59 51.55 51.81 51.70Planting 2m51.60agreed with the client. 51.61 51.55 51.53 51.49 3m 51.49 51.46 51.6551.46Bushes& 51.41 51.6651.54 Planting51.4251.58GDC has extensive plant knowledge and 51.41 51.45 51.38 51.54 Grass 51.46 51.4651.66FlagPole 51.474mwork closely with arboriculturalists. We 51.49 51.45 8 51.46 51.58 WALL?51.4751.483RWPcan audit existing trees and plants and 51.49 Planting 51.48 5 m.49 51.41 51.40 51.356m51.91 61 BrickTOW Edgingcreate a plan for retention; removal; work Hazel Stone 51.45 51.43 51.47 51.50Wall5m51.44 4mto improve plant health. Screen7m 51.66 51.48 Bush 51.47 BuDsheensse2m 51.46 51.47 51.37 51.3651.4851.4851.46Chyerr51.45 TrunkBuDsheenss2emLanpcbeo1a.2rdm1 Fe 51.49 52.06 51.43 51.43F8rmuit51.40 51.74 51.38 51.46 PilarBeech Grass15m51.46 14'